Shane Carwin talking about retirement rumors

He is obviously not happy with the rumors. His expected return to octagon is set for 2012 summer.

"I got a surprise call today saying that a rumor is floating around about me retiring. I guess some people must be wishful thinking. For me the choice to have a surgery was easy. My Doc did not tell me surgery was the 'only' option for a normal life. He said to keep fighting surgery is the only thing that will stop my body from locking up. I could probably even continue fighting and risk it happening in a fight or while training. What my team and I decided was that I have no interest in just 'Fighting and crossing' I want to be a champion. The UFC Heavyweight Champion to be specific. So I am going to have this surgery and be back better than ever. I have a lot to accomplish and I intend on punishing everyone they put in front of me. To beat the best you have to be able to train like the best. So surgery will allow me do that. I may be an older fighter but I have less cage time then most if not all of the Athletes in the UFC. I have accomplished a lot in a very short amount of time. I have a lot more to accomplish. I will be back to the guy that is big and hits you so hard Joe Rogan gets a headache. I am going to knock people out and finish fights. The UFC is going to have to get special financing just to cover the KO and FoN bonuses they are going to have to dish out to me."

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