King Mo on Gegard Mousasi, Rampage Jackson and referee Kim Winslow

About Gegard Mousasi: "From now on, in this press conference, don't say Mousasi's name or I'm going to fall asleep. He is the most boring person in MMA you know what I'm saying? If they want me to beat Mousasi up, or my bad, Kermit, up, then I'll do it. He is just so boring I hate thinking about him. The dude is boring though, to support my band-wagon lets boycott Gegard. "

About Rampage : "Why you have to bring up that bums name man? It's like this: if he wants to come to Strikeforce and get beat up, he can. To me, he should just stick to acting and just doing movies cuz to me, in my mind and in my eyes, man he ain't got it no more. And he can hit me up on Twitter and talk trash trying to get me out of my game, but, really we all know the truth. Man he's an actor, a sub par actor. He should be on the B-team and not the "A-Team."

About the late stoppage of the bout against Lorenz Larkin: "The commission, they need to do something with her. Let her take a fight or something and give her a bad ref. Let her fight Cyborg or something. Let her fight 'Cyborg' and then let's do a late stoppage of her. Because I watched her almost get Jan Finney killed by 'Cyborg.' I think the tables need to be turned. Put me in there as a ref and I'll just do a terrible job like her. I heard people from the crowd yelling to stop it and she jumps in all late. I told her, 'Hey you should have stopped the fight earlier.' And she's like, 'Well, I wanted to give him every opportunity to bounce back, so if it takes for him to be asleep. That's what it is.' She never took a punch before so it's easy for her to say that."

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